Thursday, March 15, 2012

Kitchen Update

I. Love. My. New. Kitchen. 

It's not done completely, but oh my gosh, it looks pretty darn amazing. Thank goodness Casey helped me paint, because I was ready for things to move along! Want to see? 
First, we hung up our wine glasses that were buried in the very backs of our cupboards.

Then, we bought new hardware for the cabinet and drawers (we used to have the white porcelain knobs, but switched to the brushed nickel them!).

And now....
We're painting the kitchen red! 

 We only have this one big wall, and under one set of cabinets and around our window to paint, so I thought "why not add some color?" 

We've only done the first coat, so I'll have to wait until EVERYTHING is done before I post more. I want to repaint the cabinets white, finish the red, refinish the counter tops, and get things cleaned up and looking good. It's time to de-clutter! I have told you before that I have a tiny kitchen, so it gets filled up with stuff very quickly.

So there you have it! We're working on getting things spiffy in our humble abode. Check back in a couple of days to see the progress!

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